Tuesday, May 6, 2008


To say to be cut and bald, sick and weak is beautiful for most would say absurd.
But there is a beauty in strength a beauty not seen before.
A beauty in seeing what things in life are truly important.
Beauty in every sense of the word.
Not what is portrayed in today's media.
Inner, Core, Central
being able to look beyond the obvious and see
beauty that your eyes could never visualize.
The beauty that you see now in others that somehow you overlooked
in the past.
The beauty in those who help you thru this journey.
The beauty that you get when you wake up each morning.
That beauty in your little girls eyes,
You began to cherish every moment.
taking nothing for granted.
The beauty in the word survivor
So, yes when you are faced with life changing decisions and sleepless nights
Feeling like you are wearing a 100 lb steel jacket after chemo
crawling on the bathroom floor at 3am in the morning.
Yes that is truly beautiful because you are doing what it takes to be....

A New Road

Uneven Lanes

Lanes that have suddenly been changed
Somehow uneven, unlevel, unknown
Lanes that have somehow become uncomfortable to drive
Lanes that have suddenly caused much pain and suffering to all those
who are riding with me in this life.
Lanes that are somehow/someway changed
Lane that you don't know the destination
Lanes that have scared and frightened the passengers
I have left the paved smooth roads of confidence and security..
And somehow found my way here....