Sunday, February 22, 2009

Life what is it?
It is a long road of decisions-

Right or left..

Black or White..

Love or hate..

Smile or Frown...

Life is such a delicate thing..

so beautiful yet burtal

it can be constant yet unknown

It can be gone in a blink of an eye..

all the things you hoped and planned for gone.

You try to plan for the future yet live in the moment.

You never know what tomorrow brings..

what challanges you will be faced with.

Make a good decision that you will have to live out

for the rest of your life.

Which you don't know how long that will be.

Life is like fine China.

Beautiful in the cabinet...

but you don't get its full use

until you use it..

Admire it when you drink you

favorite hot drink.

Learn from yesterday

Live for today

and Leave tomorrow where it is...